Assignors 2025
Reach out to an assignor in your area. Tell them about yourself – your name, age and availability.
Assignments are made using various platforms, so become familiar with what your assignor does.
The list below reflects currently licensed and certified USSF Assignors. As USSF Referees, you should only utilize current licensed and certified USSF Assignors to obtain refereeing assignments. The EPSA/EPSARC does not publish address or telephone numbers, however, you should contact an assignor FIRST by email.
Furthermore, should you as a USSF Referee be contacted by any party who is representing themselves as an assignor, and that person does not appear on the assignor list, you should be aware that he/she is most likely NOT a USSF Assignor, and you would be well-served to not take any assignment offered, as you risk liability coverage.
In the event that you have assignor questions, contact Ms. Susan Pisch-Wilson (DA)
2025 Assignors in EPSA (2/20/2025)

updated 2/25/2025
Responsibility of officials:
- Keep the lines of communication open between yourself and your assignor.
- Work with one main assignor to avoid conflicts, but you are able to work for as many as you would like.
- Keep your availability up to date if using an online program for assignments.
- Communicate the receipt of a higher priority appointment to your assignor. (Report an assignor that refuses to release the official for a higher priority assignment to their respective State Referee Administrator and the U.S. Soccer Referee Department)
- If you have any issues of referee abuse or referee assault during a match, immediately contact your assignor, the SRA and the EPSA.
Responsibility of assignors:
- Assignors Code of Conduct
- Identify the highly experienced officials who are likely to be assigned to a higher priority assignment and always be prepared to fill these slots on an emergency basis
- Cooperate with officials and other assignors on those rare occasions when the game priority policy is invoked
- Report any concerns regarding officials to the State Referee Administrator (SRA and DA)
- Assignors should be selected by the affiliated competitions being served with advisement from the State Referee Committee.
- Assignor appointments should be made for a period of at least one year and assignors should be familiar with the registration and certification processes for officials.
- When an assignor is also a referee, they should not officiate in any competition where they also serve as an assignor (unless in an emergency situation).