

NOTE:  There are no in-person clinics required for recertification

US Soccer announces new classifications for referees:  Referee, Regional, National and Professional


Require annual recertification, including online lessons and test.

Regional Referees

Require online lessons and test, an annual fitness test and on-field assessment.

National and Professional Referees

Recertify directly with U.S. Soccer.


  1. Log into your OMS account at OMG Login
  2. Click on Registration and select Register for clinic/fitness test
  3. Go through the prompts.
    • If asked – make sure your address, phone number and email are correct
    • Click on Submit
    • Answer the legal question
    • Select the role(s) you want to register for
      • Click Submit Request
  4. Click on Reserve Clinic
  5. Click on Continue to Next Step
  6. Click on Click here to complete requests and pay fees
    • Continue through the payment process
  7. Return to your OMS homepage
  8. Under Clinics that you have Reserved, click on Online Lessons
    • Complete the online lessons.
  9. Badges for 2025 will be mailed from OSI once all requirements are met:
    • Online lessons are done
    • Background Clearances current within 5 years
    • Safesport is current within 1 year